SUJOK (Accupressure) therapy is a form of alternative medicine which was developed by a south Korean scientist professor Park Jae Woo. Su means hand and Jok means foot. Thanks to mother nature, our hands and feet resemble our body in structure.The body has correspondence points in our hands and feet which represent different parts of our body system. By stimulating the point of the diseased organ in our hands and feet we can get rid of the problem from its roots. It is a highly effective method of healing the body naturally with ease and does not require the use of any medications. It is useful on both the physical and emotional level. Anyone can master the basics of Su Jok therapy including children above the age of 12 years. You can take responsibility for your health, anytime and anywhere.
Diseases like Arthritis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Common colds, fever, Cervical spondylitis, Backaches, Joint pains, Migraine, Neck stiffness, Hypertension, Sinusitis, Constipation, Acidity, Diabetes, Menstrual problems and many many more chronic diseases related to the human body.